O.M. Irwin School's SCC Family Expert Resource Project

Attention all O.M. Irwin parents, grandparents and guardians:
We are excited to introduce our O.M. Irwin Family Expert program! The Irwin School SCC is working with the school staff to identify family members who have careers, hobbies, or talents they would like to share with students. Areas could be anything from construction, baking, hairdressing, and storytelling to pottery, music, farming, dentistry and everything in between. YOU are the EXPERT!
Wondering how this works?
1. All invitations will be sent home with students today.
2. Complete your invitation and return it to school by March 27th.
3. Our amazing SCC will compile all Expert information into a resource for teachers to access. 4. Teachers can look through the resource and choose to invite Experts into their classrooms for special presentations.
We cannot wait to welcome Experts into our school!
Thank you to our SCC for all their hard work in developing such an engaging and meaningful program. HOO-HAA ICE ROCKS!
SCC Parent Letter - Family Expertise